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Wordpress anyone?

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Most of this stuff sounds like Theme customization. It's done using a combination of CSS, PHP, and HTML.

There's more information on it in the official WordPress Codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development

As far as moving the header image from a single page, that is only possible by setting up individual page templates: http://codex.wordpress.org/Stepping_Into_Templates

If you want to really learn how all of this works, download some free Premium themes from a professional theme designer and check out their templates' code. I think probably the best ones are available for download here: http://www.woothemes.com/product-category/themes/free-themes/

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Most of this stuff sounds like Theme customization. It's done using a combination of CSS, PHP, and HTML.

There's more information on it in the official WordPress Codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development

As far as moving the header image from a single page, that is only possible by setting up individual page templates: http://codex.wordpress.org/Stepping_Into_Templates

If you want to really learn how all of this works, download some free Premium themes from a professional theme designer and check out their templates' code. I think probably the best ones are available for download here: http://www.woothemes.com/product-category/themes/free-themes/


Thanks for that. I was visiting the wordpress org and com forums but many of the replys were either wrong, old or very poorly explained. Your first link Theme developement is very good and explains well. From there I was able to surf through to some more correctly posted answers.

Think I am OK now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here I am again answering my own question! BTW this could well apply to other software problems. Being a good Googler I now just google the question like "how do I remove the search button from the header in WP" or whatever. That usually gets me several forum threads on the subject but what annoys me is that the threads are always the same: Why don't you try this... I have the same problem... that will not work and I found this thread.... etc. etc. So I have started compiling a "How to in WP" fact sheet. As soon as I have found the answer I add it without all the blah blah. In other words instead of a dozen Q,s and A,s and me too's, I sift the replies and in a few lines I have it for future reference as I will often forget (It's my age you know).

You may close this thread as answered but I'd like to hear if anyone else has done that and perhaps we could share?

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe a bit to easy, but why dont you find yourself a theme that fits your needs? It will take you some searching (took me more then a few months to find what I wanted for www.wiggersrobert.nl) but it will be more then worth it. And if you cant get what you want, find the developer and ask him nicely if he can change what you would like to have. Ive did this before and it worked out great.

And if you are using a selfhosted wordpress, just create yourself a child theme, load it up, and start playing around. Its like adding layers in PS. You dont screw up the original, but a layer, so you can try anything you want. If it doesnt work, delete the child theme and you are back at the start.

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Is there anyone out there who could answer a few questions about WP and how to code what and where? For example how to not have a header image on one page. Have just started using WP and most of the answers on the popular forums seem to fail.


Thanks for the suggestion but things have moved on since this was posted. I realised that in order to use either Wordpress or Joomla, you need to know some HTML. So I reverted back to using Dreamweaver and found it more versatile and in the end I was able to create what I wanted. My knowledge of HTML has improved and I am beginning to accept that WP and Joomla and other CMS type programs, are great for those who need to make a blog or website up to a certain level. Then there are those who go that mile further and make some fabulous websites/blogs etc. BUT these guys are well into CMS at a level I would never be.


I found to my surprise that the learning curve with Dreamweaver is faster than with WP or Joomla because after a certain level it becomes tricky to mess about with the CMS programs. Dreamweaver is constant. From when I first used it 15 years ago to today it has not changed much. True the program is smarter and HTML has gained CSS and Javascript but the change has been gradual enough to be able to follow it even after a five year break. Not so with Joomla 1.5 to 3.0!

Any serious website writer even at an amateur level is probably better off with Dreamweaver or using a basic HTML editor.

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