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Microsoft Office Click-to-Run 2010

Guest Babs

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Hello Again! :)


After downloading (from MS) and installing the trial version of Microsoft Office 2010 to my laptop, I used the same download to install the program to my desktop computer. The programs run fine on my laptop but give me nothing but grief on my desktop PC....perhaps because I installed the same download twice (talk about proprietary!)?


Anyhoo....a few minutes ago I uninstalled the suite from my desktop computer ... all went well. But there's a remaining portion of Office listed in Programs and Features called "Microsoft Office Click-to-Run 2010." By most reports, this software causes a multitude of problems if you try installing a copy of Office 2010 unless it's been downloaded and paid for at the Microsoft site....


After many failed attempts to uninstall this leftover program, and searching both the net and the MS site for a solution to uninstalling the program, I'm turning to you guys (metaphorically speaking) in hopes that someone will have a few tips to getting this Click-to-Run addition uninstalled....once and for all!


Thanks for taking the time to read and lend a helping hand! :)


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You know what.....I downloaded and installed OpenOffice and loved the interface. But the program kept crashing so I uninstalled it. Has anyone had problems with OpenOffice and Win7? I read on their site that a few people had difficulty but others....not a single problem.


Of course, I was trying to run it on my earlier install of Win 7 nightmare. Perhaps that was the problem. Perhaps I'll give it another try. :)


Thanks for the reminder, Beyond_Life!




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As I mentioned before, my last install of OpenOffice was on my nightmare installation of Windows 7. Every time I opened OpenOffice my computer would hang. Then, upon rebooting, I was always faced with another Repair or Restore. So, now that I have this clean install of 7, I downloaded and installed OpenOffice again this morning.


No hanging! No problems whatsoever! And, believe me, I've put the program through its paces. I am so glad that you mentioned the program and that I decided to give it another try....sure beats paying all those big bugs for Microsoft Office!


Thanks, Beyond_Life! I owe you! :)


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After many failed attempts to uninstall this leftover program, and searching both the net and the MS site for a solution to uninstalling the program, I'm turning to you guys (metaphorically speaking) in hopes that someone will have a few tips to getting this Click-to-Run addition uninstalled....once and for all!


Thanks for taking the time to read and lend a helping hand! :)



Hey babs, try using Recurva to uninstall the app: http://www.groovypost.com/howto/freewar ... va-review/


Even if your not using it anymore, you should still get it off your system.

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