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VPN on Windows 7

Guest tomy51

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I found your article on how to setup VPN on my home Windows 7 PC. All went well until I tried to connect. I keep getting a cannot connect so I went and found a port checker program, PFPortChecker.


Every time I run it to check IP port 1723, I immediately get an error stating that some other program has the port locked. I even restarted my PC and ran it first, still got the same error.


Any ideas?



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Sorry, I should have explained my setup. I have a tower at home connected to a Trendnet TW623BRP router, My Internet provider is AT&T DSL.


I have a laptop that I am wanting to VPN into the home PC. I have several means of connecting the laptop to home. I have a Sprint air card, which is what I tried first and could not connect. I can also connect from my work. Since I just set this up last night, I haven't tried that yet.


The laptop seems to make contact with the router but cannot make the connection.


When I first setup the VPN on the laptop, I was on my home wireless network, the same one the home device is on. Do I need to have separate setups for the different types of connections I'll be using (ie: VPL-Sprint, VPN-Work, VPN-Work)?


Are there any tools that will let me see the route and how far my connection is getting? Or any suggestions>


Thanks for your help....Paul

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Hi Tomy,


I assume your talking about this article? Setup a VPN – PPTP Host On Your Home Windows 7 PC


The first thing I would do is eliminate all the variables. Let's first make sure everything is working before you introduce any more complexity such as the Internet or your work network etc...


First, put the Laptop onto the same network as your Tower (your home network). Probably best to plug into the same network switch or hub etc..


Next, try to VPN into your tower. Your just double checking here to make sure everything is working. You should be able to point right at the IP of the Tower from your laptop and get logged into VPN. If this works, then your ready for the next test which is to unplug the laptop from your home network and into your Sprint card.


With the sprint card up and running on your laptop (be sure you unplugged from your home network) make sure you can get to google.com (test internet connectivity).


Now from your Tower, log into your TW623BRP router and get the external IP address. That's the IP you will point your VPN client to on your Laptop.


Now from the Tower, log back into your Trendnet router and make sure the VPN ports (1723???) are forwarding to your Tower machine.


What your doing here is your telling the Router - If anyone connects to the Router using XXX port (1723), forward the traffic to this IP address inside my internet network. So basically it will look like this:


Client -> Sprint Card -> Internet -> Home Router ----> Port 1723 ---> Tower running VPN host


Once the router is configured, follow the steps in the Windows 7 VPN host article and see if it works.


You good?

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Well, I did everything that has been suggested but I still cannot connect, even when my laptop is connected directly into the same network as my tower.


I'm getting a 629 error.


I have deleted the setup on both sides (laptop & tower) and re-built them with the same result. I connect using the local VPN connection, it says its connection, verifies id and password, waits a couple of seconds and then starts over. Gets the error and then waits for the re-dial counter to try again.


I tried to connect at work and get the exact same error.


I really appreciate the assistance. Got any other ideas?





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Guest Quafe24

Hey Paul


It sounds to me like it could be a firewall issue.


Have you tried disabling the Windows Firewall (and all others) on both the Host and the Client?


Try adjusting that and see if it works, then we'll know it's something else if it doesn't!

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I turned off the firewall on my laptop and the tower and am still getting the error 629, connection disconnected by remote computer.


I noticed that my laptop setting has TCP/IPv6 turned on but my tower doesn't. Any issue there?


I'm still game.


Thanks... Paul

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Some additional information. My wife has a tower in the kitchen so I decided to try to setup a VPN client on it.


I got the same error 629 on it. Looks like it must be my host side.



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Some additional information. My wife has a tower in the kitchen so I decided to try to setup a VPN client on it.


I got the same error 629 on it. Looks like it must be my host side.





Can you ping the HOST (tower) from both clients - open command prompt the ping the IP address. Is it responding?


And you DID turn off the firewall on the HOST right?

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In anticipation of this I went ahead and deleted the account from the tower, re-created it and gave it a password of 1234. Same error - 629,


It certainly looks like it is connecting but then the tower refuses it.


This maybe one to chalk up to the "good old college try".


Thanks for the help...Paul

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I did turn the firewall off on the tower and my wifes machine for that test as well as I turned the f/w off on my laptop when I tested that.


No sure what to try next. I found some error messages that said to try change the client side settings from automatic to PPPT or other setting but no success there either.


I'll keep playing and see what happens.


Thanks... Paul

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I've been watching this thread and unfortunatly I'm not any help. Sorry paul.


I have a laptop and a PC at work. I'm plugged into the same network switch.


It's working for me no problem......


Sorry man :(

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Guest Quafe24

Error 629.. there's a few reasons why this could be happening.


1) Make sure the username and password you have entered for the DNS connection is correct.

2) Also make sure the IP is correct. In a local test, WAN IP would be changed to 192.168.1.xxx

3) if calling a server set for 128-bit encryption when you don't have 128-bit encryption installed on client.

4) if all the entries for RAS are not correct, you may get this error. This would include incorrect settings for the Basic, Server, Script, Security and X.25.

5) The settings for authentication and encryption on the security tab must match what your ISP requires.

6) if a new account logs on using PPTP and change password on first logon is enabled.

7) may be caused if the modem port speed is set below 19,200.

8 ) Can be caused by software or modem not being configured properly or being damaged.


I've also read that if you are using a Gateway pc it can cause problems because they are configured wierd ou tof the box.

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I appreciate everyone's help on this. There must be something going on that I just cannot find. I have tried every variation of settings, including deleting and starting over, but to no avail.


I'll keep playing around with it and maybe I'll figure something out.


Thanks again...ptm

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