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Shortcut keys are different in remote desktop?


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Keys should be the same except for these:




  • Switches between programs from left to right.


  • Switches between programs from right to left.


  • Cycles through the programs in the order they were started.


  • Displays the Start menu.



  • Switches the client between a window and full screen.



  • Brings up the Windows Security dialog box.



  • Displays the Windows menu.


CTRL+ALT+Minus (-) symbol on the numeric keypad

  • Places a snapshot of the active window, within the client, on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing PrintScrn on a local computer.)


CTRL+ALT+Plus (+) symbol on the numeric keypad

  • Places a snapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing ALT+PrintScrn on a local computer.)

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This is a silly question from me, but does anyone know the Windows shortcut keys for locking your computer and other system tasks when using virtual windows 7 through a remote desktop session? The windows key doesn't seem to re-act the same way.


Just minimize it. If you use WIN+L, it will just lock your local machine instead of your remote rdp session.


Why lock a remote RDP connection? It's not like anyone can walk up and start using it :)

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You can look but it's not possible. You cant lock the screen with a shortcut key in Windows 7 (not out of the box anyway).


Ok.... I lied :)


It "is" possible. I just played with it and here's the story:




Step 1: Copy the following code into a txt file and rename it to LOCK.vbs. Personally copied the file to c:\scripts\lock.vbs however it can live anywhere.


On Error Resume Next

Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run "%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation"


Step 2: Create a shortcut for lock.vbs on your desktop


Step 3: Assign a shortcut key(s) for the file. In my example I used CTRL+SHIFT+L




FYI - I stole the code from the scripting guys blog: http://blogs.technet.com/heyscriptinggu ... cript.aspx


Enjoy GoLfie!

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You can look but it's not possible. You cant lock the screen with a shortcut key in Windows 7 (not out of the box anyway).


Ok.... I lied :)


It "is" possible. I just played with it and here's the story:


Dude that's awesome lol - nice find.


I think I'm going to use the script from the link to lock workstations of ppl around the office remotely. LOL oh yeah

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