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windows defender

Guest leej

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i have read most of the topics about windows defender on these forums but cant find what i need!


i cant access the windows defender page when i try to turn it on a pop-up comes up saying this



windows defender won't provide protection against harmful or

potential unwanted software and it won't send you alerts

because its turned off


to help protect your computer against harmful or potentially

unwanted software, contact your system administrator to enable

windows defender via group policy




that is what's on the pop-up when i press close i get nothing

i have an acer laptop with windows vista sp1 i just got from ebay, how would i go about sorting this problem


thank you lee

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Group Policy is used by corporations to manage all computers centrally by system admins or domain admins in microsoft speak.


My first question is - Is your computer joined / attached to a company network right now? In other words, is this a machine you are using at work and attached to your company domain? IF yes, nothing you can do. Your kinda stuck with the group policy disabling windows defender.


If no, the machine MIGHT have been attached to a domain so old policy is still impacting you. To check if it thinks it's on a domain, Click Start, Right Click Computer and Click Properties. On the System screen it shoudl show you the machine name and the domain. Is the domain empty?


Let me know!

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thank you for your response


when i got the laptop the OS had to be re installed (always the case when getting a new laptop) but the person must of done it again

the laptop is my wifes and she has her name next to computer name and full computer name but it does have 'WORKGROUP' next to workgroup which she didnt put there


hope this helps


EDIT: what is weird is that i have the same settings as stated above and i can turn my defender on/off but she cant. she is classed as the administrator there is no other users on the laptop i have read on the help menu and it says something about MMC 3.0. is where i can disable the group policy but it only has MMC and no option to disable the group policy on there


EDIT 2: when i went into services i tried to turn defender on there but i did find group policy client when i right clicked and went to properties a pop-up came up with 4 tabs with a location (path to executable) C:\windows\system32\sychost.exe - k GPSvcGroup when i searched for it on the laptop i didnt find anything


all i need is to change the setting on the group policy but cant seem to do this

thank you

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all i need is to change the setting on the group policy but cant seem to do this

thank you


Ok, you should be able to get into your local group policy by clicking the Start button, and type gpedit.msc


Now, navigate to the following location:


Local Computer Policy -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Defender


Once you Click Windows Defender on the Tree on the LEFT, on the right you should get all the Group Policies. Look for "Turn off Windows Defender".


I assume that's the key you need to set it so that it's Disabled or Not Configured. Here's what it says when I clicked on it:


Turns off Windows Defender Real-Time Protection, and no more scans are scheduled.


If you enable this policy setting, Windows Defender does not run, and computers will not be scanned for spyware or other potentially unwanted software.


If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, by default Windows Defender runs and computers are scanned for spyware and other potentially unwanted software.


Keep us updated here!

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thank you for the replay again


i tried to type in gpedit.msc but didnt get anything from that not sure why


is there any other way?


and i have read on other forums that if you have avg 9 it does conflict with windows defender and will turn it off is this true?

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ok here we go,


it's possible that the defender was disabled using a registry hack. you can check this and change this if you:


open regedit

browse to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\]

go to the DWORD DisableAntiSpyware and change it's value to 0


if that doesn't exist it's likely a domain issue

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