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Add second mailbox in outlook 2007

Guest drew

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I used to do this all the time but now I can't find it in Outlook 2007.


Thanks in advance.


Hi Drew & Welcome to the site!


I thought this was a great question so I wrote up a quick "how to" article on it. Take a look here: http://www.groovypost.com/howto/microso ... look-2007/


Let me know if you have more questions!

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Groove..


With the help of your article on how to add another account to Outlook, I added one more account to my outlook.

I'm able to receive all te emails coming to my personal account and the second account (its a group account).

But the problem is i'm not able to reply for the emails in this account.

What should i do for that.


Looking forward for your reply.




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Hey Groove..


With the help of your article on how to add another account to Outlook, I added one more account to my outlook.

I'm able to receive all te emails coming to my personal account and the second account (its a group account).

But the problem is i'm not able to reply for the emails in this account.

What should i do for that.


Looking forward for your reply.





Hey there,


Hmm... I'm thinking you need to be granted SendAs access however I'm not 100%. Let me setup the scenerio in my test environment and get back to you!

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you need the send-as right set on your account in order to reply. THis is not a public folder where if you reply it just sends as YOU.


That being said, with outlook 2007 you might be able to hit reply and choose which account to SEND from. Don't have a test account for this tho so will have to wait on mrgroove...... :( sorry

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey there HelpJas,


Just got back from vacation so sorry for the late reply.


ShockerSH is right, when your reading the mail in the 2nd mailbox and you want to reply to it, you will need the SendAs permissions in Active Directory / Exchange.


The other option however is when you click on the email and click "Reply", the email box will pop up. Clear the FROM box if you want to just sent it as yourself then you won't need this permission.


Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Shockersh and Groove


Thanks for your valuable reply.

You are right, My ID was not added to the SendAs permission list on the Exchange Server.

Thats why i was not able to reply to those emails.. :D


I was able to inform my manger regarding this issue with your help.. 8)

Thanks guys..

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  • 9 months later...
Guest Monzadave

Hi guys,


I've just added a second (group) mailbox that is shared between 4 of us at work. I've set up the permissions fine, that's ok, everyone can receive, send, edit etc emails but i just have one problem. Due to the nature of the emails, the sent items (from the group mailbox) need to be saved into the sent items of the box. At the moment, they are being stored in the sent items of the senders mailbox.


So if i send an email, it's from the group mailbox, it doesn't get saved in the group mailbox sent items, they are saved in my sent items.


is there a way around this?


Mucho thanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys,


I've just added a second (group) mailbox that is shared between 4 of us at work. I've set up the permissions fine, that's ok, everyone can receive, send, edit etc emails but i just have one problem. Due to the nature of the emails, the sent items (from the group mailbox) need to be saved into the sent items of the box. At the moment, they are being stored in the sent items of the senders mailbox.


So if i send an email, it's from the group mailbox, it doesn't get saved in the group mailbox sent items, they are saved in my sent items.


is there a way around this?


Mucho thanks!



@Dave - Great question. I had to play around a bit with this one and couldn't actually do a full end to end test (I don't have 2 exchange accounts) so please try this out and let me know what works...


OK you have 2 options you can try however from everything I can tell on my work machine, the first option is what you need to do.


Option 1 - Setup an Outlook rule to move the sent mail into the Sent folder of the shared account.


Basically, just setup an outlook rule with the following criteria:

1 - Check Messages after sending

2 - Check Box Through the specified account (Now click on specified and select the shared account)

3 - Check Box Move a copy to a specified folder (Then choose the sent folder of the shared account)


That should be exactly what your looking for. Unfortunately, the options are thin in Outlook for dealing with sent mail items. Hopefully this is fixed with Outlook 2010.


The Second option is to copy the Sent items into the same folder that you reply or forward emails from.

1 - Tools

2 - Options

3 - Click Preferences Tab

4 - Click Email Options

5 - Click Advanced Email Options

6 - Check the box - In folders other than the Inbox, save replies with original message.

Reference: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlo ... 61033.aspx


Let me know how it works out!

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Guest Monzadave

Thanks for that Shockersh.


Had a go using both options. I may had been doing something wrong, but i couldn't seem to get option 2 to work. Followed your steps but the same thing happened.


Option 1 worked to some extent. When you're asked (or you choose) the specified account, I only have the option of 'Microsoft Exchange'. It doesn't seem to want to recognise my own personal mailbox within Outlook, and the shared mailbox. This means I can't get Outlook to process the rule to an actual specfied account, only both of them. However, upon selecting the Microsoft Exchange account, it does work. It will move the sent items into the shared mailbox, just from both accounts!


So, I think the next step is to somehow force Outlook into reading the two separate mailboxes?


Thanks for your help so far.



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Guest Monzadave

Just a further update...


I went back into the Account Settings area in Outlook and I noticed that my email account is called 'Microsoft Office' (explains the earlier problem). So I thought that if I could add the shared mailbox as a separate email account, that would make Outlook give me the option of choosing which specified account to use when checking the sent items, right?


Still with me? Good.


I go through the process of adding the shared mailbox as a separate account, but am met with the following error:

'The account or directory type already exists and cannot be specified twice.'


Hmm, quick improvisation needed. Check the 'manually configure server settings' option and click next. Choosing the MIcrosoft Exchange option gives me the following error:

'You already have a Microsoft Exchange account set up. Outlook supports only one Exchange account at a time.'


Bummer. Go back a step and choose the Internet Mail option. Brick wall. I'm not entirely sure of the POP3 and incoming mail server, so I've fired off an email to see if I can find out that information.


Will report back if I find out any more information.


In the meantime, any thoughts/ideas?



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Just a further update...


Hmm, quick improvisation needed. Check the 'manually configure server settings' option and click next. Choosing the MIcrosoft Exchange option gives me the following error:

'You already have a Microsoft Exchange account set up. Outlook supports only one Exchange account at a time.'




Hi Dave,


At least we have progress! Ok, so read this post here: http://www.groovypost.com/howto/microso ... look-2007/


What you are trying to do is add another Exchange account in Outlook which won't work. What you CAN do however is add another Email Account to your existing Outlook Account configuration. In other words, you currently have Outlook configured to open an exchange email account. You just need to configure Outlook now to open up the Shared Email inbox as well. That link above tells you how-to do this.


Once you've added the Shared account to your Inbox and you have FULL permissions on that shared account, you should be able to add rules.


Keep us updated!

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Guest Monzadave

MrGroove, that's how it's currently set up but I still have the problem of getting Outlook to put the sent items into the correct 'sent items' folder depending on which account sends the email

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MrGroove, that's how it's currently set up but I still have the problem of getting Outlook to put the sent items into the correct 'sent items' folder depending on which account sends the email


I have Outlook 2007 and Exchange 2007 at work (which I manage). I have my personal mailbox in outlook and a shared mailbox that I share with my peers on the help desk .


I just checked and I was able to setup an outlook rule that puts helpdesk related emails into the shared helpdesk mailbox sent folder.....


What's not working Monzadave? Does the account now show up when setting up the rule? Are you guys running Exchange on the backend?

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Guest Monzadave

I'll have another play around with the rules and set up the forwarding thing again. I'll report back exactly what doesn't work for me when I get a spare moment in work.


Not sure what you mean by running Exchange on the backend? Sorry

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  • 3 months later...

Hey I'm also trying to add a second email account to Outlook 2007 and I followed your "how to" article but I got stuck after clicking on the "advanced" tab. The tabs show up differently: General, Outgoing Server, Connection and then Advanced. I clicked on Advanced at it does not give me an option to "ADD" anything. The email account I have now is synced from my yahoo account. Is this why? I would be grateful for any help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey I'm also trying to add a second email account to Outlook 2007 and I followed your "how to" article but I got stuck after clicking on the "advanced" tab. The tabs show up differently: General, Outgoing Server, Connection and then Advanced. I clicked on Advanced at it does not give me an option to "ADD" anything. The email account I have now is synced from my yahoo account. Is this why? I would be grateful for any help.


Hey you still need help on this? Did you figure it out Missy?


What kind of account are you trying to add? Exchange or IMAP / GMAIL or?

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