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Windows Server 2008


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We implemented our first Windows Server 2008 box several months ago. We have yet to introduce any Server 2008 domain controllers yet but will probably begin down that path early 2008.


Most of the features and roles of Server 2008 are a nice improvement over previous versions. IIS 7 is slick and already rolled out heavily on our production web platform.


The Hyper-V roles are also nice but for now, were only using it for Branch Office server consolidation where only a single Virtual Host is used. We probably wont look at replacing any VMWare ESX until Windows Server 2008 R2. With R2 comes the Live Migration with Hyper-V. Even then, we will probably only use Server 2008 to replace the expensive ESX platforms in our Dev/Test labs. Until we get some good working experience and metrics, ESX will remain our choice for our production platforms.


Were also playing with the new Terminal Services. It's not quite up to par with the Cirtix XEN App/Server/Presentation however our tests show promise. Again, R2 is supposed to show some nice promise but were still waiting.


Then there's the advances of SMB in the Vista/Server 2008 scenarios. Again in 2009 as we deploy Hyper-V in remote offices, the new file servers will be 2008 standard in order to take advantage of the SMB 2.0 and new DFS features.


2008 is a solid platform (and a sweet desktop) two thumbs up on this one. :!::!:

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Guest jnpeters

Been using Windows Server 2008 for a few months now. Love it. Love the stability and new hyper-v. granted, i'm only now playing with Virtual machine manager but the snapshot features of hyper-v are great.


two thumbs up.

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Been using Windows Server 2008 for a few months now. Love it. Love the stability and new hyper-v. granted, i'm only now playing with Virtual machine manager but the snapshot features of hyper-v are great.


two thumbs up.


In regards to Hyper-V (I love server 2008),


Until R2 comes out you won't have Live Migration or "V-Motion". I think Microsoft is on the way up but it's still not enterprise worthy in my opinion after playing with it. Even after R2, they are still 3 or 4 generations behind ESX Server.


Then there's Virtual Machine Manager 2008. Been playing with it for a few weeks now. All I have to say is when it comes to managing my enterprise web farm.... I'll be sticking with VMWare until Microsoft releases something more enterprise.

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