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Laptop doesnot boot on cold boot but works on warm boot

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Hey Groove,


I have an issue with an acer travelmate 6592 laptop.

The Laptop initially had a problem with the booting.

It works fine on warm booting (is shutting down completely and then booting) but gets stuck on cold booting (restarting)

When i restart the laptop, the first acer page is shown, goes to the second black page listing out something..

and then gets stuck in a plain black page. :roll:

I have no idea, why this happens. I have re imaged the Laptop and still its having the same issue.


Could you please help me with this strange issue.

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If it is or is not a Hard drive issue your first mission should be to backup your data either onto a network share somewhere or onto an external USB/Firewire drive.


Once your data is backed up then you can play around and try to fix it. that being said, you said you re-imaged it so I assume you already backed up your data.


Because laptops are so self-contained, there's not much you can normally do to troubleshoot the issue. Unlike a PC, you can't pull out system components to find the one that's causeing the issues (pull the sound card, 1 stick of memory, 2nd stick of memory, etc...).


The best thing you can do with a Laptop is just flash the BIOS / Firmware with the latest release and hope that solves the problem. I'm going to go with Shocker on this one however. Sounds like you have a bad Hard Drive and just need to swap it out. Bad news is that mean cash out of pocket if you don't have a spare one laying around and if that's not your problem, be sure to buy the drive from somewhere you can return it with no restocking fee!

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Hey guys,


Thanks a lot for your reply.


I was really upset thinking it is a hardware issue..

My knowledge in hardware is near to zero.

So, when you guys told about firmware, i was thinking, why couldn't it be a malware which changed the registry value of Restart. And surprisingly that was true.

I used Combofix and it removed some of the Registry keys and system started to respond for cold boot too.. :)


Anyways, thank you so much for letting your helping hands.. :) :)

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Hey guys,


Thanks a lot for your reply.


I was really upset thinking it is a hardware issue..

My knowledge in hardware is near to zero.

So, when you guys told about firmware, i was thinking, why couldn't it be a malware which changed the registry value of Restart. And surprisingly that was true.

I used Combofix and it removed some of the Registry keys and system started to respond for cold boot too.. :)


Anyways, thank you so much for letting your helping hands.. :) :)


Malware again Jas? heheh


I guess I must not have understood the issue. Anyway i've never played with Combofix. how long have they been around? I'll have to download it and play with it a bit.

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