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External Hard Drive Problem

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Model: LG External HDD HXG1 1TB

Properties: Can not get it from "My Computer" just hangs when clicking it.

I use this to store all my photos etc. I have some very important docs that i backed up and occasionally access.

I tried to access a PDF doc today and got an error massageImage_00026.jpg :cry:

I then immediately realized something is wrong and tried to access some photos. I got them open in PICASA but not when I try to open them with Microsoft Picture Manager. I get the following error messageImage_00028.jpg :?


1) I need to retrieve all documents /backups/photos from this device back to my computer. :?:

2) I know i can use Recuva software to get all the photos but the documents are my problem as well as the back up.

3)Can this be resolved/technically/i am proficient with screw drivers/hammers/and rocks! :mrgreen:

4)If i can get all the data back can reformatting of the HD repair it. :?:

5) If it is a throw away whet HDD is recommended. :?:


Thank you.


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