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Apache help

Guest isonuZ

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Guest isonuZ

hey all, i found this site from google while i was trying to solve my apache problem...

anyway, i use windows xp sp3..

i downloaded apache 2.2

well port 80 dsnt work

so i changed to it port 8080

i can view my pages on localhost:8080/ , not on the domain i made from No-IP

and i can't view it on other computers on my network (local IP: [it's static])

though i can on the comp i have apache on

what to do?

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Guest isonuZ



# prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.



Listen 8080


# Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support




# ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself.

# This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify

# it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.


# If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.


ServerName isonuz.servehttp.com:8080


# DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your

# documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but

# symbolic links and aliases m



i registered my dns using No-IP

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. So you can hit localhost:8080 but not from another computer on the network. Have you edited your hosts file on that box to point isonuz.servehttp.com to ?


Did you read this post? http://www.groovypost.com/howto/apache/ ... ple-ports/


Also, what version of apache are you running? Did you configure the httpd-vhosts.conf file in your extra folder? I'm not an Apache head but, this is what I have in my httpd-vhosts.conf file which you can use as a guide perhaps:


# Virtual Hosts
# If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your
# machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them. Most configurations
# use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
# IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
# Please see the documentation at 
# for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
# You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host
# configuration.

# Use name-based virtual hosting.
NameVirtualHost *:80

   ServerAdmin mrgroove
   DocumentRoot "d:/Inetpub/test/"
AccessFileName .htaccess
DirectoryIndex index.php
#   DirectoryIndex index.php default.php default.html index.html.var
   ServerName http://www.test.com
   ServerAlias test.com
   CustomLog d:/apache/logs/test/access.log combined
   ErrorLog d:/apache/logs/test/error.log
   TransferLog d:/apache/logs/test/access_log

   Order allow,deny
   Deny from all
   Satisfy All

   Options FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
   Allow from all


Post your httpd-vhosts.conf file for more help also. I think I posted

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Guest isonuZ

ok.. after a big research, i found out that i should forward ports to make my system visible to the network and the internet.

also, my ISP gave me a proxy internet. just a cable from their router to mine.

no modem available to me, therefore i can't forward.

may that be what's causing my problem then?


PS: i edit the virtual host. no idea i should've. here's what i did:

# Virtual Hosts
# If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your
# machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them. Most configurations
# use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
# IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
# Please see the documentation at 
# for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
# You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host
# configuration.

# Use name-based virtual hosting.
NameVirtualHost *:8080

# VirtualHost example:
# Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container.
# The first VirtualHost section is used for all requests that do not
# match a ServerName or ServerAlias in any  block.

   ServerAdmin xx@hotmail.com
   DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www"
   ServerName http://isonuz.servehttp.com
   ServerAlias isonuz.servehttp.com
   ErrorLog "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/logs"
   CustomLog "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/logs" common

   ServerAdmin xx@hotmail.com
   DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www"
   ServerName http://isonuz.servehttp.com
   ErrorLog "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/logs"
   CustomLog "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/logs" common


oh and i installed wamp as well (that made things harder for me :/

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Guest poneil
ok.. after a big research, i found out that i should forward ports to make my system visible to the network and the internet.

also, my ISP gave me a proxy internet. just a cable from their router to mine.

no modem available to me, therefore i can't forward.

may that be what's causing my problem then?

Yes that is for sure what is causing your problem. You see, the IP address on the outside is the IP of your ISP modem. So if you try to goto that IP address from the internet you will not hit your webserver because again, that is your MODEM.


What you need to do is enable port forwarding on that modem to forward it to your internal webserver that you are trying to create. If your ISP does not let you edit that Modem/Router and setup port forwarding then your pretty much dead in the water.


You can still however setup your system internally and access it using your other computers in your house. Not sure what it is your trying to do however but this probably is not what your looking to do.



And the result? Did you edit your HOSTS file like MrGroove asked and were you able to access your web server at least from the inside?

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Guest isonuZ

im trying to make a web server to host my domain

and i cnt access the modem, so it must be a dead end for me.

i dnt rly care for accessing it on other comps.

thx anyway guys (:

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Guest isonuZ
im trying to make a web server to host my domain

and i cnt access the modem, so it must be a dead end for me.

i dnt rly care for accessing it on other comps.

thx anyway guys (:


Well..... At least you walk away with more knowledge than you started! ;)

yh exactly :D

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