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Missing Outlook 2007 weekly view

Guest tc12357

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Guest tc12357

I have recently upgraded from Outlook 2003 to 2007. However after the upgrade, I cannot select the 2003 weekly calender layout anymore(i.e. 7 days layout in 2 columns, see attached "old outlook 2003 week view.jpg").


The only week view available in 2007 is layout one day per column, side by side(see attached "new outlook 2007 week view.jpg")


I have googled about the change but couldn't find anything.


Hope anyone from this forum can help. Thanks in advance.


Cheers, tc12357



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Hi tc12357 and welcome to the community!


I've checked and re-checked. There is no feasible way of switching Outlook 2007 or 2010 back to the old 2003 style. What goLfie mentioned above is likely the closest you can get without some major software modding.


The change from the old style was an intentional one on behalf of the Outlook development team because of the new Overlay feature that lets you quickly compare multiple calendars. It just didn't work well with Overlay so they scrapped it.


The good news is that Outlook 2010 has a new date picker feature that will let you display all of the custom dates you want. Just CTRL + click them from the calendar on the left toolbar and it will display only the ones you select.

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Guest tc12357

Thank you for response. I guess I have to live with that. Get used to the view for so long, it is just strange for not using it, especially in printing.


One more question, is it possible to hide the free time(like the old outlook) on the weekly view. As I usually have appointments from early morning to late night. The outlook 2007 weekly view just can't display all the appointments in one page, I have to scroll through the time to check for all appointments and I find I miss appointments from time to time if I forget to scroll through. Any idea?

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One more question, is it possible to hide the free time(like the old outlook) on the weekly view. As I usually have appointments from early morning to late night. The outlook 2007 weekly view just can't display all the appointments in one page, I have to scroll through the time to check for all appointments and I find I miss appointments from time to time if I forget to scroll through. Any idea?


With Outlook 2007 go into Calendar mode and on the Top left of the screen, click "Change View" -> Click "List"


Then all your appointments are listed out. It's not SUPER simple to read at first but you will get the hang of it after awhile.

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Guest tc12357

Mr Groove,


Please excuse my incompentent. When can I find the 'change view' > 'list'?

In the tool bar, I only see 'View', in that option, there is only 'Daily task list', is that the list you're talking about? That is only a to do list with no appointments.


Cheers, tc12357

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Guest tc12357

No, I am not looking for active appointment. But anyway thanks for your help. New tool is supposed to be better but Outlook 2007 is definitely no better and taken away previous capability.

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