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Question from Reader :: Ask MrGroove Email Form


Hello Mr Groove,

Do you know a way (website) to identify the service provider (carrier) of a cell phone number?




Hi Doug,


I assume you read my Article Quickly Send Text Messages for Free Using E-Mail


You ask a really good question which I don't have a great answer for.... I did a little GOOGLE work and found this site:




The problem is now that people can move their phones to any carrier, that site is only good up until the person moves the phone to a new carrier. For example, I tested it on my phone and it is showing my original carrier I signed up the phone with, not AT&T whom I'm currently using (iPhone.....)


Hope this helps!


Yeah... I think it's close to impossible to figure out the carrier now that ppl are able to move their #'s at will.


Here's a few more resources you can use tho to find the carrier for mobile / cellular phones:




http://www.tracenumber.com/ - Gives you location and carrier and type of phone (land line or cellular/mobile)




Basically, all I did was put the phone number into GOOGLE and about a dozen sites came up with the info.

  • 2 weeks later...

some guy on the site posted this also. COvers most of them!!!


Here ya go!


United States

Provider E-mail to SMS address format

3 River Wireless xxxxxxxxx@sms.3rivers.net

Advantage Communications xxxxxxxxx@advantagepaging.com

AirVoice xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com

Airtouch Pagers xxxxxxxxx@airtouch.net

Airtouch Pagers xxxxxxxxx@airtouchpaging.com

Airtouch Pagers xxxxxxxxx@alphapage.airtouch.com

Airtouch Pagers xxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com

AllTel xxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com

Alltel PCS xxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com

Alltel xxxxxxxxx@alltelmessage.com

Ameritech Paging xxxxxxxxx@pageapi.com

Arch Pagers (PageNet) xxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net

Arch Pagers (PageNet) xxxxxxxxx@epage.arch.com

Bell South (Blackberry) xxxxxxxxx@bellsouthtips.com

Bell South Mobility xxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net

Bell South xxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net

Bell South xxxxxxxxx@sms.bellsouth.com

Bell South xxxxxxxxx@wireless.bellsouth.com

Bluegrass Cellular xxxxxxxxx@sms.bluecell.com

Boost Mobile xxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com

Boost xxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com

CallPlus xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com

Carolina Mobile Communications xxxxxxxxx@cmcpaging.com

Cellular One East Coast xxxxxxxxx@phone.cellone.net

Cellular One PCS xxxxxxxxx@paging.cellone-sf.com

Cellular One South West xxxxxxxxx@swmsg.com

Cellular One West xxxxxxxxx@mycellone.com

Cellular One xxxxxxxxx@message.cellone-sf.com

Cellular One xxxxxxxxx@mobile.celloneusa.com

Cellular One xxxxxxxxx@sbcemail.com

Cellular South xxxxxxxxx@csouth1.com

Central Vermont Communications xxxxxxxxx@cvcpaging.com

CenturyTel xxxxxxxxx@messaging.centurytel.net

Cingular (GSM) xxxxxxxxx@cingularme.com

Cingular (TDMA) xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com

Cingular Wireless xxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.net

Cingular xxxxxxxxx@cingularme.com

Communication Specialists xxxxxxx@pageme.comspeco.net

Cook Paging xxxxxxxxx@cookmail.com

Corr Wireless Communications xxxxxxxxx@corrwireless.net

Dobson Communications Corporation xxxxxxxxx@mobile.dobson.net

Dobson-Alex Wireless / Dobson-Cellular One xxxxxxxxx@mobile.cellularone.com

Edge Wireless xxxxxxxxx@sms.edgewireless.com

GCS Paging xxxxxxxxx@webpager.us

GTE xxxxxxxxx@gte.pagegate.net

GTE xxxxxxxxx@messagealert.com

Galaxy Corporation xxxxxxxxx@sendabeep.net

GrayLink / Porta-Phone xxxxxxxxx@epage.porta-phone.com

Houston Cellular xxxxxxxxx@text.houstoncellular.net

Inland Cellular Telephone xxxxxxxxx@inlandlink.com

JSM Tele-Page xxxxxxxxx@jsmtel.com

Lauttamus Communication xxxxxxxxx@e-page.net

MCI Phone xxxxxxxxx@mci.com

MCI xxxxxxxxx@pagemci.com

Metro PCS xxxxxxxxx@metropcs.sms.us

Metro PCS xxxxxxxxx@mymetropcs.com

MetroPCS xxxxxxxxx@mymetropcs.com

Metrocall 2-way xxxxxxxxx@my2way.com

Metrocall xxxxxxxxx@page.metrocall.com

Midwest Wireless xxxxxxxxx@clearlydigital.com

Mobilecom PA xxxxxxxxx@page.mobilcom.net

Mobilfone xxxxxxxxx@page.mobilfone.com

Morris Wireless xxxxxxxxx@beepone.net

NPI Wireless xxxxxxxxx@npiwireless.com

Nextel xxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com

Nextel xxxxxxxxx@page.nextel.com

Ntelos xxxxxxxxx@pcs.ntelos.com

Omnipoint xxxxxxxxx@omnipoint.com

Omnipoint xxxxxxxxx@omnipointpcs.com

OnlineBeep xxxxxxxxx@onlinebeep.net

PCS One xxxxxxxxx@pcsone.net

Pacific Bell xxxxxxxxx@pacbellpcs.net

PageMart xxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net

PageOne NorthWest xxxxxxxxx@page1nw.com

Pioneer / Enid Cellular xxxxxxxxx@msg.pioneerenidcellular.com

Price Communications xxxxxxxxx@mobilecell1se.com

ProPage xxxxxxxxx@page.propage.net

Public Service Cellular xxxxxxxxx@sms.pscel.com

Qualcomm name@pager.qualcomm.com

Qwest xxxxxxxxx@qwestmp.com

RAM Page xxxxxxxxx@ram-page.com

ST Paging pin@page.stpaging.com

Safaricom xxxxxxxxx@safaricomsms.com

Satelindo GSM xxxxxxxxx@satelindogsm.com

Satellink xxxxxxxxx.pageme@satellink.net

Simple Freedom xxxxxxxxx@text.simplefreedom.net

Skytel Pagers xxxxxxxxx@email.skytel.com

Skytel Pagers xxxxxxxxx@skytel.com

Smart Telecom xxxxxxxxx@mysmart.mymobile.ph

Southern LINC xxxxxxxxx@page.southernlinc.com

Southwestern Bell xxxxxxxxx@email.swbw.com

Sprint PCS xxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com

Sprint xxxxxxxxx@sprintpaging.com

SunCom xxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com

Surewest Communications xxxxxxxxx@mobile.surewest.com

T-Mobile xxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net

TIM xxxxxxxxx@timnet.com

TSR Wireless xxxxxxxxx@alphame.com

TSR Wireless xxxxxxxxx@beep.com

Teletouch xxxxxxxxx@pageme.teletouch.com

Telus xxxxxxxxx@msg.telus.com

The Indiana Paging Co xxxx@pager.tdspager.com

Triton xxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com

US Cellular xxxxxxxxx@email.uscc.net

USA Mobility xxxxxxxxx@mobilecomm.net

Unicel xxxxxxxxx@utext.com

Verizon PCS xxxxxxxxx@myvzw.com

Verizon Pagers xxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com

Verizon xxxxxxxxx@vtext.com

Virgin Mobile xxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com

Virgin Mobile xxxxxxxxx@vxtras.com

WebLink Wireless xxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net

West Central Wireless xxxxxxxxx@sms.wcc.net

Western Wireless xxxxxxxxx@cellularonewest.com

Wyndtell xxxxxxxxx@wyndtell.com


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

MaxMobil xxxxxxxxxx@max.mail.at

One Connect xxxxxxxxx@onemail.at

T-Mobile xxxxxxxxx@sms.t-mobile.at


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Blue Sky Frog xxxxxxxxx@blueskyfrog.com

Optus Mobile xxxxxxxxx@optusmobile.com.au


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Mobistar xxxxxxxxx@mobistar.be


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Mobility xxxxxxxxx@ml.bm


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Nextel xxxxxxxxx@nextel.com.br


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Bell Mobility xxxxxxxxx@txt.bell.ca

Bell Mobility xxxxxxxxx@txt.bellmobility.ca

Fido xxxxxxxxx@fido.ca

Microcell xxxxxxxxx@fido.ca

Manitoba Telecom Systems xxxxxxxxx@text.mtsmobility.com

NBTel xxxxxxxxx@wirefree.informe.ca

PageMart xxxxxxxxx@pmcl.net

PageNet xxxxxxxxx@pagegate.pagenet.ca

Rogers xxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com

Telus xxxxxxxxx@msg.telus.com


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Bell South xxxxxxxxx@bellsouth.cl

Czech Republic

Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Eurotel +ccaaxxxxxxx@sms.eurotel.cz

Oskar xxxxxxxxx@mujoskar.cz


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Sonofon xxxxxxxx@note.sonofon.dk

Tele Danmark Mobil xxxxxxxx@sms.tdk.dk

Telia Denmark xxxxxxxxx@gsm1800.telia.dk


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

EMT xxxxxxxxx@sms.emt.ee


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

SFR xxxxxxxxx@sfr.fr


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

T-Mobile +49xxxxxxx@t-d1-sms.de

Mannesmann Mobilefunk xxxxxxx@d2-message.de

E-Plus 0177xxxxxxx.sms@eplus.de


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

PGSM 3620xxxxxxx@sms.pgsm.hu


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

BPL mobile xxxxxxxxx@bplmobile.com

Chennai RPG Cellular xxxxxxxxx@rpgmail.net

Chennai Skycell / Airtel xxxxxxxxx@airtelchennai.com

Delhi Aritel xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com

Delhi Hutch xxxxxxxxx@delhi.hutch.co.in

Idea Cellular xxxxxxxxx@ideacellular.net

Orange xxxxxxxxx@orangemail.co.in


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Meteor xxxxxxxxx@sms.mymeteor.ie


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Telecom Italia Mobile 33xxxxxxxx@posta.tim.it

Vodafone Omnitel 34xxxxxxxx@vizzavi.it

Vodafone xxxxxxxxx@sms.vodafone.it


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Vodafone Japan xxxxxxxxx@c.vodafone.ne.jp

Vodafone Japan xxxxxxxxx@h.vodafone.ne.jp

Vodafone Japan xxxxxxxxx@t.vodafone.ne.jp


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Kyivstar xxxxxxxxx@smsmail.lmt.lv

LMT 9xxxxxx@smsmail.lmt.lv

Tele2 xxxxxxxxx@sms.tele2.lv


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Cellis / LibanCell 9613xxxxxx@ens.jinny.com.lb


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

P&T Luxembourg xxxxxxxxx@sms.luxgsm.lu


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Celcom 019xxxxxxx@sms.celcom.com.my


The Netherlands

Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Dutchtone / Orange-NL xxxxxxxxx@sms.orange.nl


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Netcom xxxxxxxxx@sms.netcom.no

Telenor xxxxxxxxx@mobilpost.no


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Cable and Wireless xxxxxxxxx@cwmovil.com


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Plus GSM +4860xxxxxxx@text.plusgsm.pl


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Telcel 91xxxxxxx@sms.telecel.pt

Optimus 93xxxxxxx@sms.optimus.pt

TMN 96xxxxxxx@mail.tmn.pt


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

BeeLine GSM xxxxxxxxx@sms.beemail.ru

MTS 7xxxxxxxxxx@sms.mts.ru

Personal Communication sms@pcom.ru (number in subject line)

Primtel xxxxxxxxx@sms.primtel.ru

SCS-900 xxxxxxxxx@scs-900.ru

Uraltel xxxxxxxxx@sms.uraltel.ru

Vessotel xxxxxxxxx@pager.irkutsk.ru

Serbia and Montenegro (Yugoslavia)

Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Mobtel Srbija xxxxxxxxx@mobtel.co.yu


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

MiWorld xxxxxxxxx@m1.com.sg

Mobileone xxxxxxxxx@m1.com.sg


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Mobitel xxxxxx@linux.mobitel.si

Si Mobil xxxxxx@simobil.net


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Movistar xxxxxxxxx@correo.movistar.net

Vodafone xxxxxxxxx@vodafone.es


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Comviq GSM 467xxxxxxxx@sms.comviq.se

Europolitan 4670xxxxxxx@europolitan.se



Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Sunrise Mobile xxxxxxxxx@freesurf.ch

Sunrise Mobile xxxxxxxxx@mysunrise.ch

Swisscom xxxxxxxxx@bluewin.ch


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Mobitel xxxxxxxxx@sms.co.tz


Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Golden Telecom xxxxxxxxx@sms.goldentele.com

Kyivstar xxxxxxxxxx@2sms.kyivstar.net

UMC xxxxxxxxx@sms.umc.com.ua

United Kingdom

Provider E-mail to SMS address format

Orange 0973xxxxxx@omail.net

Orange xxxxxxxxx@orange.net

O2 name@o2.co.uk

O2 (M-mail) xxxxxxxxx@mmail.co.uk

T-Mobile UK xxxxxxxxx@t-mobile.uk.net

Vodafone UK xxxxxxxxx@vodafone.net

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