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Windows 7 Updates

Guest Babs

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Hi Guys!


It's been awhile, I know. I've spent the last two weeks on support calls trying, in vain, to get my PC to boot to Windows. It goes to the "Starting Windows" screen then hangs. Then I get caught in the loop of Repair/Restore. It's been obvious to me, for a while now, that there's something seriously wrong with my computer. Microsoft thinks it's my motherboard. So I've been fighting with HP for the last week trying to get them to admit that, whether or not I have 7 installed, my PC problems are hardware related instead of software....what a trial! Anyway, the PC's getting shipped back to HP tomorrow. Hopefully they'll get to the bottom of the trouble and I'll have my machine back in working order before too long. Of course it's going to be returned as factory ordered with Vista.


So....my question to you all is: do the Windows 7 updates have to be installed in any specific order? Microsoft says to just let them all install the way they will. HP says I have to pick and choose from eairlest date to latest and never install more than two updates at a time....have never heard of such a (silly?) thing myself but I suppose anything's possible.


What do you guys have to say? Let it all install at will or pick and choose from eairlest to latest date?


Personally, I think this is HP's way of trying to lay the blame for my bum computer on Microsoft instead of taking responsibility for the repairs. My warranty will be up this coming March so I can see why they would be reluctant to fix it. And, instead, try their best to talk me into ordering a new computer.....like...if! And now they won't even extend my warranty because they've had far too many problems with these Slimlines. What a crock!


Thanks for your advice! And I hope you all had a terrific Thanksgiving!


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