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Gmail to Outlook-organizing into folders

Guest gamerbear

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Guest gamerbear

So my roomie needs some help organizing all his mail. His mail goes to his gmail account and then uses the imap thing to bring it onto Outlook on his desktop. He uses the email address for work, personal, etc and wants them to be sorted as they come in. Is there a way to create folders that take in specific email addresses. i.e all the Facebook stuff would go to a FB folder and all his work clients would go to a work folder? If I make the folders in gmail will outlook duplicate these folders or would I have to make the same folders there too? I have never done this so as specific as possible would be great. Or direct me to a good tutorial.

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In gmail you can create filters in anyway you want. Search Google for "using filters in Gmail" and you'll find what you need.


As far as I know, the making of folders and sending them to Outlook, wont work. Im guessing Outlook wil throw all the mail on one big pile, nomatter wich folder it came from. The big option here is throwing Outlook out of the window and staying with Gmail. You could also install Thunderbird. It works better, faster and you can set it up however you want with any mail account you want.





Gmail Filters

http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answ ... nswer=6579

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Guest gamerbear

Ahhh thanks. A bit of clarification that I just got. He uses a host email address (or whatever its called) That gets forwarded to gmail so he can check it on his phone.And then that is imap'd to his Outlook. I guess he does this because he cant use gmail to send mail with his work email extension I.e. his acupuncture.net one. If he uses thunderbird will he be able to send mail with that address or will it only send out @gmail.com stuff?

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is it a exchange account? What phone does he use? Because with most phones these days you can set an exchange account. On my previous SE C905 I had hotmail (pop3) gmail (imap) and my work exchange account set. With my Galaxy S (current one) its the same. So maybe your roomie doesnt nee Gmail after all.


And im guessing (cause i dont have thunderbird installed) you can set in Thunderbird from wich account you want to reply. But thats just a wild guess. And im not going to install Thunderbird just to try that out, but I think you can understand that :D


Edit: just my two cents, but from his work mail to gmail to outlook, thats just to much steps, to much of a hassle to go through. To make it simple he has to loose some of the "steps".

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Guest gamerbear

I'll ask him. He had someone else set it up for him and I am not sure why they are using gmail as a middleman. His iPhone can use Exchange and that's Outlook, right? If he just used that he could sort the mail directly in there I think?


edit: I guess its not an exchange account. So I guess that is why he uses the gmail to get it to his phone. I'll still look into it. I'll check into Thunderbird too

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Outlook dont have to be an exchange account. Thunderbird can handle Exchange.


If i were your roomie, I would kill the Outlook part at his side, and make nice filters in Gmail, that place certain mails in certain folders. Im doing the same here. The most simple ones are spam that Gmail dont see as spam. Like SecondLife stuff.

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Guest gamerbear

Okay, that sounds like the simplest and easiest thing to do. Still need to see if I can have his outgoing mail still have the work address show though. Maybe Thunderbird ca do that. Thanks for your help

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Here is something you could check for using exchange with Thunderbird

http://www.google.nl/search?q=thunderbi ... =firefox-a


You could also try this site for setting up Thunderbird



And heres a freaking big site with all you can and want to do with Thunderbird.

http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunde ... ecrets.htm


But next to this all, im still thinking that dropping Outlook is the best thing to do in your roomies case. If he can get Gmail on his IPhone, then why still use Outlook? And im sure his Iphone can handle IMAP, POP3 and Exchange, so let him set up those accounts on his IPhone and he is done. No more desktop apps for gmail or exchange. Everything from his phone, like im doing. Just one spot that check everything accept pop3 cause you have to fetch pop3 manually.


edit: Be sure you you close the www connection to the pc where Outlook is installed, because IMAP works both ways. If you delete messages in Outlook, they are also deleted in Gmail and on the Iphone. I learned that the hard way. So kill the internet connection, pull the cable out, or pull the plug from your isp modem and then backup your outlook messages and contacts is needed, and then deinstall Outlook if wanted. You could also just stop using Outlook ofc. In my case, when I got my laptop, i didnt install any Office program. None. I didnt want to spend any money on stuff that doesnt work like it should. So im using gmail and OpenOffice, together with my android Samsung Galaxy S and the mobile app from Dropbox im done and can rule the world.


@MrGroove: Maybe worth a article? The dropbox app for Android or Iphone? Some review thingy or maybe just fun stuff you can do with dropbox?

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