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Server 2008 SuperFetch

Guest Englisch101

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Guest Englisch101

Windows Server 2008 question-


I get error when loading superfetch in system services.


Says "system is not configured to run this service".


Any help is much welcome.

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By default on Windows Server 2008, the service is disabled and if you want to enable it you must first create 2 Registry keys then enable the service.


First, create the 2 keys


Open Regedit:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters


Click New --> DWORD (32bit) Value

Type: EnablePrefetcher

Click OK


Do it again for superfetch key below


Click New --> DWORD (32bit) Value

Type: EnableSuperfetch

Click OK


Now configure the Keys

Double click on EnablePrefetcher and type 3 in Value data field and Click Ok. Repeat for the EnableSuperfetch key.


Enable the SuperFetch Service


Click Start Button and Type Services.msc then press enter. This will bring up the Services on the system.


Scroll down until you find the SuperFetch Service. Right click it and click Properties


Change the Startup Type of the Service from Disabled to Automatic. Click Apply then Start to start the service.


Should be all done. Because you enabled the service to run Automatic, it should be started each time you reboot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest francisfleming

By default, the Superfetch service is installed on a Server 2008 system but left disabled. If you try to enable it, the service won't start. This is easily fixed with 2 registry entries lifted from a Vista installation.


The registry entries in question are:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]




If you want a cookie-cutter premade .REG file, you can download it here.


For those following my '2008 as a Desktop' saga, I'm happy to report I have Diskeeper running under Server 2008 now too. The only thing I am missing from Vista these days is Dreamscene.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest valeria

Windows Server 2008 supported turning SuperFetch on, but it appears to be gone in R2 Release Candidate.The service is gone. What happened to it, is its function built into the OS, superceded by another technology, or....?

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