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My custom toolbar in Outlook disappears

Guest NVKen

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I created a new toolbar in Outlook 2007. I created a new menu inside the toolbar and named it. Then I assigned a hyperlink to it that opens a template I created. Everything works fine. Then, I closed Outlook and reopened it, and found that my new toolbar I had just made was no longer listed as an option in the View---Toolbars menu. In fact, it was nowhere to be found. So I recreated it from scratch, closed Outlook again, and again it was gone.


Does anyone know how to keep my toolbar from going away?



Stumped in Nevada

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Interesting problem! I have not seen anything like it, and I've completely stopped using 2007 since the 2010 has come out. I'd suggest trying it with 2010.. it's a MUCH better Outlook.


get it here: http://www.groovypost.com/howto/groovyd ... -download/


If you can't do Office 2010.. then this MAY help fix 2007.

The issue in the kb article is related to the issue you are having although it isn't identical.

From Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290684

This issue occurs for one or more of the following reasons:

You have a corrupted Outlook profile or a corrupted Outlook Express identity.

There are conflicts with add-ins or with antivirus software.

The registry contains incorrect information for the Protected Storage System Provider subkey for the user account in Windows XP, in Windows 2000, and in Outlook 2003 or earlier versions of Outlook.

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